Amazon for Authors, KDP in Kolkata ( Calcutta), 8 Dec 2015



Amazon is hosting a 2-hour event over lunch in Kolkata on Tuesday, 8 Dec 2015. It is to introduce and discuss their self-publishing programme– Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP. Neal Thompson, Director of Author & Publishing Relations, will be present. Anyone who is interested in selfpublishing their book online is welcome to attend. It could be a book or a manual ranging from fiction, non-fiction, self-help, first aid manuals, medicine, science, gardening, cooking, collection of recipes, gardening, automobiles, finance, memoir, children’s literature, textbooks, science articles, on nature, poetry, translations, drama, interviews, essays, travel, religion, hospitality, etc. Any form of text that is to be made available as an ebook using Amazon’s Kindle programme.

This event is free, but registration before 8 December 2015 is a must. Please email me to confirm participation: [email protected] . Details of the event are given below.

Neal Thompson
Director of Author & Publishing Relations,

cordially invites you for a session on

Amazon for Authors:

Navigating the Road to Self-Publishing Success

Hear how Indian authors have used Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) to build and reach audiences across a variety of genres

Guest Speakers:

Rose Garg, KDP author of A Moments Indulgence and Autumn Red
Viji Vardarajan, KDP author of Classic Tamil Brahmin Cuisine

Event details:

Date: Tuesday, December 08, 2015
Time: 12 noon – 1:30 pm followed by lunch
Venue: The Oberoi Grand


Jaya Bhattacharji Rose
International publishing consultant
[email protected]

1 Comment

Anamika Chakraborty

about 9 years ago

Can readers also attend this event ( those who are exclusively readers, neither an established writer nor a budding one).

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